

I intend to acquire an account on SDF (yes, that's a Macross reference), an old school public access Unix server. These guys are just downright cool. For starters, they've been around for a long time. They have a proprietary chat system which is not based on IRC, and operates according to a principle similar to vi. They're testing a MOO that is based on THX-1138. Basic accounts are free, or for $36, I can get a programming environment to suit my needs. For a small annual fee, they do web hosting. Best of all, I can access their system from a web-based terminal directly on their site, either using Telnet or SSH. If you didn't understand any of that, don't worry about it. If you did, this is a real find, especially for someone who is "data homeless" at the moment. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Make sure you check that your browser setup can handle that site. Something to do with the web-based terminal caused a fully patched Ubuntu Edgy/FF2 system with the latest Sun JRE to max its CPU.

Anyways. Just thought I'd mention it.

3:14:00 PM  
Blogger Q. said...

The interface application seems to be designed around Windoze, which is what they use at the library, of course. Anywhere else I'll be using a SSH term, of course. heh.

12:09:00 PM  

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