
Google PC a reality?

Rumors are running wild about the possible announcement of a Google brand internet based PC which may take place at CES in Las Vegas this week. It is possible that we may soon see the breakup of the localized operating system in favor of pure internet based technologies.

( Update: both Google and Wal-Mart have denied these rumors. Still, something big is in the works, and I'm interested to see what it is. )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had heard rumors of Google creating their own OS, but not this... what exactly do you mean by an internet based PC?

5:36:00 AM  
Blogger Q. said...

By internet based PC, I mean a desktop interface with a pervasive environment and persistent data which can be accessed from any computer with a browsing interface. This will prove to be an alternative to the Windoze and Mac desktop environments, with word processing, office applications and other common desktop apps available from any location.

8:32:00 PM  

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