
The Singularity.

I keep talking about the Singularity. For a decent definition of the Singularity itself, check out the wikipedia.org article on the subject. In some ways, this article doesn't do the concept justice. I really think it's gonna get a whole lot weirder than anything that's been represented in fiction. The best example of Singularity fiction that I can think of is 'Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom', by Cory Doctorow of boingboing fame, though his variation of the singularity doesn't really account for exponential artificial intelligence.


Blogger Q. said...

Looking forward to it, or something like it. Still, I'm not getting my hopes up. The future is by nature opaque. I believe that things are going to get really weird, soon, and I want to be around to see it. This is a belief and not a certainty, because I have no proof to support this idea.

12:33:00 AM  

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