
Cloaking Device.

Now, this is just cool.

Touch Identification.

This system is capable of identifying and distinguishing between users by touch, an innovation which could lead to some very cool interface enhancements.

Mental Command.

Apparently, Honda has joined the growing field of researchers doing long-term research into mind-machine interface, and they're making great strides. No word yet on miniaturization of the technology, which currently requires an MRI machine to function properly. Also check out the slideshow of robotics pictures associated with this article, which showcases the coolest developments in robotics of the last couple of years.


Synthetic Biology Update.

The group responsible for popularizing the innovative new field of synthetic biology (see my earlier post here.) is currently under fire for the synthetic disease making potential of their research. While the group has stated that they intend to aid in creating better tools for the identification of a White Plague scenario, they have rejected a restrictive proposal which would limit the types of research which companies and individuals could engage in.



A company called M2Z wants to give free wireless broadband access to... well, everyone in America.



We are now one step closer to nuclear fusion as a viable energy source. Yay!



Welcome to the world of Synthetic Biology, a fringe science which applies the lessons learned from computer science to the realm of protein engineering. Singularity starts here. Someday, there will be no distinction between computer science and bio-engineering, all of which will happen on a far more fundamental level than our current technology allows.



This is it, kids. The genome sequence is complete. Now the fun really begins. MooHooHaHa.


Google: Not Evil Yet.

Though the company has been lured closer and closer to the Dark Side in recent times, they're still doing some serious good on some fronts.


Singularity Rising.

Here is a beautifully written examination of early stage Singularity in the form of Nanotech/Biology convergence. This is what I've been saying for some time now.


Google SMS.

So, My texting has increased by about 100% in the last couple of months, and as a result I was forced (oh, boo-hoo) to acquire a new phone, one more suited to the type of communication of which I have become very fond: SMS. In playing with my new phone, I discovered something truly wonderful: Google SMS. From any cell phone with text features (and that's just about all of em' these days), you can search the web, call up showtimes, weather, directions from google maps and all kinds of other nifty stuff.

On a related topic, I also discovered that there are a plethora of websites with stripped down versions specifically suited to the limited world of mobile web browsing. Blogger, Google and Hotmail all have versions of these sites available.

I know, I know. I'm hopelessly behind the times. I think I heard about this stuff a couple of years ago, but it's taken me this long to clue in. Oh well. Now I know, and all is right with the world.

Transhumanism is fun.

Here's a fun little article of speculation on the future of transhumanism within the next ten years. I can't wait.



Here's a fascinating article about a possible link between a specific gene set and the tendency toward post-traumatic depression. The article goes on to describe a new field of science which examines the "interplay between particular genes and environment", known as GxE. Brilliant stuff. It's about time science began to fully assimilate the fact that there's more to the story than just a string of isolated circumstances.

Thanks to Katherine for this one.