
Spinal Chord Injury Treatment.

Those wacky folks at Cyberkinetics are at it again. The guys who brought you the BrainGate mind-computer interface have perfected a technique for repairing spinal chord injuries. These guys have only been around for a couple of years, and already they're yielding practical research results. I want my choclear brain-computer implant!

DNA Sequence for Aging.

This article in Research News shows promise for the potential retardation of both cancer and the process of aging itself. Thanks to Mr. A for this one.


Sonar Through the Tongue

This is interesting.


Beat your iPod into submission.

Tired of the spectre of DRM that hangs over your iPod? I'm pretty sure it's not illegal (yet) replace your iPod's Operating System firmware. Enter Rockbox, the replacement you desire. Add and remove tracks at will. Treat your iPod like a standard USB thumbdrive. Free your music. Thanks to tepidpond for this one.


Second Life Goes On.

Here's an interesting article about one of the more interesting online communities around. I've been a member of Second Life since its first month out of Beta. :)


Personalized medicine begins.

This article displays a possible first step toward the much-hyped personalized medical treatment we all have been hearing about. In related news, New technology promises to move gene sequencing from a ten year task to a 24 hour process. Neato.

Update: Another article on a possible non-invasive test for breast cancer.